Spelling Aloud
International Alphabet Code A Alpha N November B Bravo O Oscar C Charlie P Papa D Delta Q Quebec E Echo R Romeo F Foxtrot S Sierra G Golf T Tango H Hotel U Uniform I India V Victor J Juliet W Whisky K...
View ArticleSpelling Aloud Part 2
Spelling Aloud Letter How the Letter Sounds …… for ….. Letter A ej Alfred a B bi Benjamin b C si Charlie c D di David d E i Edward e F eff Freddie f G dji George g H ejtch Harry h I aj Italy i J djej...
View ArticleHow to perfectly pronounce ‘analysis’
A-nalle-sis. If you get stuck in a speech or if you have problems with this word and you are a Swedish speaker – think Nalle! It may sounds stupid and you may feel like an idiot but this never fails!
View ArticleSilent bs and double ts
In English, the silent letters often wreak havoc with pronunciation. Silent bs can be particularly problematic: debt subtle dumb comb tomb thumb bomb, bomber, bombing, bombs - most problematic for...
View ArticleReceived pronunciation (RP)
Received Pronunciation (RP), also called the Queen’s (or King’s) English,[1] Oxford English or BBC English, is the accent of Standard English in England, with a relationship to regional accents similar...
View ArticleCommonly misspelled and misused words
Some words are commonly misspelled – by both native and non-native English speakers stationary – means still, not moving. He hit a stationary car. stationery – office supplies. If you need more...
View ArticleEnglish pronunciation
enough cough trough plough through slough are all pronounced differently
View ArticleSpelling and Spelling Aloud
Nowadays spelling does not have to be a problem. We have spellchecking programmes, online dictionaries such as Onelook and Tyda. We have Google Translate and Google itself to help us. But some more...
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